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Saturday 30 May 2015

phpMyAdmin Tables - Adding Records

To insert a new record to the table you created in the previous page select the Insert link at the top of the page:
Click on Insert 

phpMyAdmin Database Fields

You have four Fields in your table from the previous lesson Although they are set out in rows in the images, the rows are actually the Columns you saw earlier – the Fields. Each Field needs a name. So go ahead and type the following for your Field names:

Create a database with phpMyAdmin

You can create all of your database tables and queries using PHP code. But before doing that, it's a good idea to get an understanding of just what it is you'll be creating. If you're new to the world of databases, then here's a simple primer.

What is a database and what do they look like?

A database is a way to store lots of information. You might want to store the names and addresses of all your contacts, or save usernames and passwords for your online forum. Or maybe customer information.
When you create a database, you're creating a structure like this:

Getting values out of PHP functions

When you're creating your own functions, you may notice that they can be broken down in to two categories: functions that you can leave, and just let them do their jobs; and functions where you need to get an answer back. As an example, here's the two different categories in action:
print ("Get on with it!");
$string_length = strlen($string_length);

Check for blank Textboxes with PHP

f you remember the script that we wanted to create earlier it was this:
  1. Get the text that a user entered in a textbox on a form
  2. Trim any blank spaces from the left and right of the text
  3. Check that what you have left is not a blank string
So we want to check that the textbox doesn't just contain this "". There has to be something in it, like "Bill Gates". Here's a script that does all three items on our list:

PHP Functions and Arguments


Functions can be handed variables, so that you can do something with what's inside of them. You pass the variable over to your functions by typing them inside of the round brackets of the function name.
$error_text = "Error message";
function display_error_message($error_text) {
print $error_text;

PHP Functions

What is a Function?

A function is just a segment of code, separate from the rest of your code. You separate it because it's nice and handy, and you want to use it not once but over and over. It's a chunk of code that you think is useful, and want to use again. Functions save you from writing the code over and over. Here's an example.
Suppose you need to check text from a textbox. You want to trim any blank spaces from the left and right of the text that the user entered. So if they entered this:
" Bill Gates "
You want to turn it into this:

Sorting PHP Array values

There may be times when you want to sort the values inside of an array. For example, suppose your array values are not in alphabetical order. Like this one:
$full_name = array();
$full_name["Roger"] = "Waters";
$full_name["Richard"] = "Wright";
$full_name["Nick"] = "Mason";
$full_name["David"] = "Gilmour";

Geting Values from Arrays

Here's an example for you to try:
$seasons = array("Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer");
print $seasons[0];
The array is the same one we set up before To get at what is inside of an array, just type the key number you want to access. In the above code, we're printing out what is held in the 0 position (Key) in the array. You just type the key number between the square brackets of your array name:
print $Array_Name[0];

How to Set up a PHP Array

First you type out what you want your array to be called ($Order_Number, in the array above) and, after an equals sign, you type this:
array( );
So setting up an array just involves typing the word array followed by a pair of round brackets. This is enough to tell PHP that you want to set up the array. But there's nothing in the array yet. All we're doing with our line of code is telling PHP to set up an array, and give it the name $Order_Number.
You can use two basic methods to put something into an array.

PHP Arrays

You know what a variable is – just a storage area where you hold numbers and text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one value. You can store a single number in a variable, or a single string. An array is like a special variable, which can hold more than one number, or more than one string, at a time. If you have a list of items (like a list of customer orders, for example), and you need to do something with them, then it would be quite cumbersome to do this:
$Order_Number1 = "Black shoes";

The PHP break statement

There are times when you need to break out of a loop before the whole thing gets executed. Or, you want to break out of the loop because of an error your user made. In which case, you can use the break statement. Fortunately, this involves nothing more than typing the word break. Here’s some not very useful code that demonstrates the use of the break statement:
$TeacherInterrupts = true;
$counter = 1;
while ($counter < 11) {

PHP Do ... While loops

This type is loop is almost identical to the while loop except that the condition comes at the end:
while (condition)
The difference is that your statement gets executed at least once. In a normal while loop, the condition could be met before your statement gets executed.

PHP While Loops

Instead of using a for loop, you have the option to use a while loop. The structure of a while loop is more simple than a for loop, because you’re only evaluating the one condition. The loop goes round and round while the condition is true. When the condition is false, the programme breaks out of the while loop. Here’s the syntax for a while loop:
while (condition) {

PHP For Loops

So what’s a loop then? A loop is something that goes round and round. If I told you to move a finger around in a loop, you’d have no problem with the order (unless you have no fingers!) In programming, it’s exactly the same. Except a programming loop will go round and round until you tell it to stop. You also need to tell the programme two other things - where to start your loop, and what to do after it’s finished one lap (known as the update expression).
You can programme without using loops. But it’s an awful lot easier with them. Consider this.
You want to add up the numbers 1 to 4: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4. You could do it like this:
$answer = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;

US ready to send military trainers to Nigeria in Boko Haram fight

Abuja – The United States is prepared to send military trainers to Nigeria to help new President Muhammadu Buhari’s armed forces improve their intelligence gathering and logistics,Reuters reported yesterday,quoting a senior State Department official.
Strains between U.S. military advisers and the Nigerian army over human rights abuses and corruption under the  Jonathan  government undermined cooperation in efforts to counter the six-year-old Boko Haram insurgency.

Friday 29 May 2015

PHP and HTML Checkboxes

Note one thing about the HTML checkbox elements: they all have different NAME values (ch1, ch2 ch3, etc). When we coded for the Radio Buttons, we gave the buttons the same NAME. That's because only one option can be selected with Radio Buttons. Because the user can select more than one option with Checkboxes, it makes sense to give them different NAME values, and treat them as separate entities (but some advocate treating them just like Radio Buttons).
In your PHP code, the technique is to check whether each checkbox element has been checked or not. It's more or less the same as for the radio Buttons. First we set up five variable and set them all the unchecked, just like we did before:

PHP and HTML Radio Buttons

Make sure you save your work as radioButton.php, as that's where we're posting the Form – to itself.
To get the value of a radio button with PHP code, again you access the NAME attribute of the HTML form elements. In the HTML above, the NAME of the Radio buttons is the same – "gender". The first Radio Button has a value of "male" and the second Radio Button has a value of female. When you're writing your PHP code, it's these values that are returned. Here's some PHP code. Add it to the HEAD section of your HTML:

The HTML ACTION attribute and PHP

You don't have to submit your form data to the same PHP page, as we've been doing. You can send it to an entirely different PHP page. To see how it works, try this:
Create the following page, and call it basicForm2.php. This is your HTML. Notice the ACTION attribue.
<title>A BASIC HTML FORM</title>

PHP Submit buttons

In the previous lesson you saw how to get text from a textbox when a Submit button on a form was clicked. However, when you first load the page the text still displays.
The reason why the text displays when the page is first loaded is because the script executes whether the button is clicked or not. This is the problem you face when a PHP script is on the same page as the HTML, and is being submitted to itself in the ACTION attribute.

PHP and Text Boxes on HTML Forms

If you've been following along from the in the previous lesson then your basicForm.php now has a METHOD and ACTION set. We're going to use these to process text that a user has entered into a text box. The METHOD attribute tells you how form data is being sent, and the ACTION attribute tells you where it is being sent. To get at the text that a user entered into a text box, the text box needs a NAME attribute. You then tell PHP the NAME of the textbox you want to work with. Our text box hasn't got a NAME yet, so change HTML TO THIS

PHP and the Submit Button of HTML Forms

The HTML Submit button is used to submit form data to the script mentioned in the ACTION attribute. Here's ours:
<Form Name ="form1" Method ="POST" ACTION = "basicForm.php">
So the page mentioned in the ACTION attribute is basicForm.php. To Submit this script, you just need a HTML Submit button:
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" VALUE = "Login">

PHP and the Action Attribute of HTML Forms

The Action attribute is crucial. It means, "Where do you want the form sent?". If you miss it out, your form won't get sent anywhere. You can send the form data to another PHP script, the same PHP script, an email address, a CGI script, or any other form of script.
In PHP, a popular technique is to send the script to the same page that the form is on – send it to itself, in other words. We'll use that technique first, but you'll see both techniques in action.

PHP and the Post Attribute of HTML Forms


The ?Submit1=Login part from the previous section is now gone! That is because we used POST as the method. Using POST means that the form data won't get appended to the address in the address bar for all to see. We'll use both POST and GET throughout the book. But it depends on the project: if the data is not sensitive then use GET, otherwise use POST.

PHP and the Method Attribute of HTML Forms

<FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD =" " ACTION = "">
The Method attribute is used to tell the browser how the form information should be sent. The two most popular methods you can use are GET and POST. But our METHOD is blank. So change it to this:
<FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD ="GET" ACTION = "">
To see what effect using GET has, save your work again and then click the Submit button on your form. You should see this:

HTML Forms and PHP

If you know a little HTML, then you know that the FORM tags can be used to interact with your users. Things that can be added to a form are the likes of text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, drop down lists, text areas, and submit buttons. A basic HTML form with a textbox and a Submit button looks like this:
<title>A BASIC HTML FORM</title>

Full Text: President Muhammadu Buhari’s Inaugural Speech

The full text of Muhammadu Buhari’s inaugural speech. I am immensely grateful to God Who Has preserved us to witness this day and this occasion. Today marks a triumph for Nigeria and an occasion to celebrate her freedom and cherish her democracy. Nigerians have shown their commitment to democracy and are determined to entrench its culture. Our journey has not been easy but thanks to the determination of our people and strong support from friends abroad we have today a truly democratically elected government in place.

PHP Booleans

A Boolean value is one that is in either of two states. They are known as True or False values, in programming. True is usually given a value of 1, and False is given a value of zero. You set them up just like other variables:
$true_value = 1;
$false_value = 0;

PHP Logical Operators

As well as the PHP comparison operators you saw earlier, there's also something called Logical Operators. You typically use these when you want to test more than one condition at a time. For example, you could check to see whether the username and password are correct from the same If Statement. Here's the table of these Operands.

PHP Switch Statements

To see how switch statements work, study the following code:
$picture ='church';
switch ($picture) {
case 'kitten':
print('Kitten Picture');
case 'church':
print('Church Picture');

PHP Less Than, Greater Than

The Less Than ( < ) and Greater Than ( > ) symbols come in quite handy. They are really useful in loops (which we'll deal with in another section), and for testing numbers in general.
Suppose you wanted to test if someone has spent more than 100 pounds on your site. If they do, you want to give them a ten percent discount. The Less Than and Greater Than symbols can be used. Try this script. Open up your text editor, and type the following. Save your work, and try it out on your server.

PHP Not Equal To

PHP Not Equal To

In the previous you saw what Comparison Operators were. In this lessons, we'll explore the Comparison Operator for Not Equal To: !=.So open up your text editor, and add the following script:
$correct_username = 'logmein';
$what_visitor_typed = 'logMEin';
if ($what_visitor_typed != $correct_username) {
print("You're not a valid user of this site!");

PHP Comparison Operators

 PHP Comparison Operators
You saw in the last section how to test what is inside of a variable. You used if, else … if, and else. You used the double equals sign (==) to test whether the variable was the same thing as some direct text. The double equals sign is known as a Comparison Operator. There a few more of these “operands” to get used. Here’s a list. Take a look, and then we’ll see a few examples of how to use them.

PHP if ... else if Statements

 PHP if ... else if Statements

The Syntax of if…else if is as follows………
If (condition){
Print (“out put”);}

if ... else Statements in PHP

The syntax for the if else statement is this:
if (condition_to_test) {
else {
If you look at it closely, you’ll see that you have a normal If Statement first, followed by an “else” part after it. Here’s the “else” part:
else {
Again, the left and right curly brackets are used. In between the curly brackets, you type the code you want to execute. In our code, we set up two variables:
$kitten_image = 0;
$church_image = 1;

PHP If Statements

You saw in the last section that variables are storage areas for your text and numbers. But the reason you are storing this information is so that you can do something with them. If you have stored a username in a variable, for example, you'll then need to check if this is a valid username. To help you do the checking, something called Conditional Logic comes in very handy indeed. In this section, we'll take a look at just what Conditional Logic is. In the next section, we'll do some practical work.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Floating point numbers in php

Division in Php

Multiplication in php

Substraction in php

Adding up in PHP

Joining direct text and Variable

More variable practice

More practice on Variables

Puting text into variable

What is a variable

Wednesday 27 May 2015

quranic verses on shirk[1]

 quranic verses on shirk[1]
 SURA 24 - AL-NOOR                                        1
Sura 24 aya 55:
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most surely make them

vicegerent in the earth as He made their ancestors before them, and that He will establish for them their
religion, the one which He has chosen for them, and that He will change their present state of fear into



Allah the Almighty says:
{And (remember) when Musa (Moses) said to his people: "Verily,
Allah commands you that you slaughter a cow." They said, "Do you
make fun of us?" He said, "I take Allah's Refuge from being among Al-
Jahilun (the ignorant or the foolish). " They said, "Call upon your Lord
for us that He may make plain to us what it is!" He said, "He says:

The Elephant

 The Elephant

Allah the Almighty says:
{Have you (0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) not seen how your
Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephant? [The Elephant army which
came from Yemen under the command of Abraha Al-Ashram intending
to destroy the Ka`bah at Makkah]. Did He not make their plot go
astray? And He sent against them birds, in flocks. Striking them with
stones of Sijjil (baked clay). And He made them like (an empty field on

People of the Cave

People of the Cave
Allah the Almighty says:
{Do you think that the people of the Cave and the Inscription (the
news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among
Our Signs? (Remember) when the young men fled for refuge (from
their disbelieving folk) to the Cave. They said: "Our Lord! Bestow on us
mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!"
Therefore, We covered up their (sense of) hearing (causing them to go


The Story of Qarun(Korah)
Allah the Almighty says:
{Verily, Qarun (Korah) was of Musa's (Moses) people, but he
behaved arrogantly towards them. And We gave him of the treasures,
that of which the keys would have been a burden to a body of strong
men. Remember when his people said to him: "Do not exult (with

Bilkis [Queen of Sheba]

Bilkis [Queen of Sheba]

Allah the Almighty says:{He inspected the birds, and said: "What is the matter that I see
not the hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees? "I will surely punish
him with a severe torment, or slaughter him, unless he brings me a
clear reason." But the hoopoe stayed not long: he (came up and) said:
"I have grasped (the knowledge of a thing) which you have not

Harut and Marut

Harut and Marut
Allah the Almighty says:{They followed what the Shayatin (devils) gave out (falsely of the
magic) in the lifetime of Sulaiman (Solomon). Sulaiman did not
disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic
and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut
and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such

Habil and Qabil “Able and Cain”

Habil and Qabil “Able and Cain”
The First Crime on Earth
Allah the Almighty says:
{And (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him» recite to them (the
Jews) the story of the two sons of Adam (Habil and Qabil) in truth;
when each offered a sacrifice (to Allah), it was accepted from the one
but not from the other. The latter said to the former: "I will surely kill



  His appearance was striking. He was slim and tall. His face was bright and he had a sparse beard. It was pleasing to look at him and refreshing
to meet him. He was extremely courteous and humble and quite shy. Yet in a tough situation he would become strikingly serious and alert,
resembling the flashing blade of a sword in his severity and sharpness.
He was described as the Amin or Custodian of Muhammad's community. His full name was Aamir ibn Abdullah ibn al-Jarrah. He was known as Abu

Umm Salmah

 Umm Salmah
Umm Salamah! What an eventful life she had! Her real name was Hind. She was the daughter of one of the notables in the Makhzum clan
nicknamed "Zad ar-Rakib" because he was well known for his generosity particularly to travelers. Umm Salamah's husband was Abdullah ibn
Abdulasad and they both were among the first persons to accept Islam. Only Abu Bakr and a few others, who could be counted on the fingers of

Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan

Ramlah   Bint Abu Sufyan
Abu Sufyan ibn Harb could not conceive of anyone among the Quraysh who would dare challenge his authority or go against his orders. He was
after all, the sayyid or chieftain of Makkah who had to be obeyed and followed.
His daughter, Ramlah, known as Umm Habibah, however dared to challenge his authority when she rejected the deities of the Quraysh and their

Muadh Ibn Jabar

Muadh Ibn Jabar
Muadh ibn Jabal was a young man growing up in Yathrib as the light of guidance and truth began to spread over the Arabian peninsula. He was
a handsome and imposing character with black eyes and curly hair and immediately impressed whoever he met. He was already distinguished for

Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum

Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum
Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum was a cousin of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her. His father was Qays
ibn Said and his mother was Aatikah bint Abdullah. She was called Umm Maktum (Mother of the Concealed One) because she gave birth to a

Said ibn Aamir Al-Jumahi

Said ibn Aamir al-Jumahi was one of thousands who left for the region of Tanim on the outskirts of Makkah at the invitation of the Quraysh
leaders to witness the killing of Khubayb ibn Adiy, one of the companions of Muhammad whom they had captured treacherously.

Jafar Ibn Abutaleeb

Jafar Ibn Abutaleeb 
In spite of his noble standing among the Quraysh, Abu Talib, an uncle of the Prophet, was quite poor. He had a large family and did not have
enough means to support them adequately. His poverty-stricken situation became much worse when a severe drought hit the Arabian peninsula.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari

Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari

  In the Waddan valley which connects Makkah with the outside world, lived the tribe of Ghifar. The Ghifar existed on the meagre offerings of the
trade caravans of the Quraysh which plied between Syria and Makkah. It is likely that they also lived by raiding these caravans when they were

Fateemah bint Muhammad [saw]

Fateemah bint Muhammad [saw]

  Fatimah was the fifth child of Muhammad and Khadijah. She was born at a time when her noble father had begun to spend long periods in the
solitude of mountains around Makkah, meditating and reflecting on the great mysteries of creation.

Asmah Bint Abubakar

Asmah Bint Abubakar

  Asmaa bint Abu Bakr belonged to a distinguished Muslim family. Her father, Abu Bakr, was a close friend of the Prophet and the first Khalifah after
his death. Her halfsister, Aishah, was a wife of the Prophet and one of the Ummahat al-Mumineen. Her husband, Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, was one

Aisha Bint Abubakar

 Aisha Bint Abubakar   

  The life of Aishah is proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is
also proof that a woman can exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. Her life is also proof that

Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith

Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith

 Rarely can one find a closer bond between two persons such as existed between Muhammad the son of Abdullah and Abu Sufyan the son of
al-Harith. (This Abu Sufyan of course was not the same as Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, the powerful Quraysh chieftain.)

Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari

Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari

Abdullah ibn Abbas

 Abdullah ibn Abbas

Monday 25 May 2015



Seidina Uthman

12-MARIA al-Qibtiyya

SAFIYYA bint Huyayy

ZAYNAB bint Jahsh

ZAYNAB bint Khuzayma

AISHA bint Abi Bakr