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Wednesday 27 May 2015

People of the Cave

People of the Cave
Allah the Almighty says:
{Do you think that the people of the Cave and the Inscription (the
news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among
Our Signs? (Remember) when the young men fled for refuge (from
their disbelieving folk) to the Cave. They said: "Our Lord! Bestow on us
mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!"
Therefore, We covered up their (sense of) hearing (causing them to go

in deep sleep) in the Cave for a number of years. Then We raised them
up (from their sleep), that We might test which of the two parties was
best at calculating the time period that they had tarried. We narrate
unto you (0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) their story with truth:
Truly they were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We
increased them in guidance. And We made their hearts firm and strong
(with the light of Faith in Allah and bestowed upon them patience to
bear the separation of their kith and kin and dwellings.) when they
stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth,
never shall we call upon any llah (god) other than Him,' if we did, we
should indeed have uttered an enormity in disbelief."These our people
have taken for worship alihah (gods) other than Him (Allah). Why do
they not bring for them a clear authority? And who does more wrong
than he who invents a lie against Allah. (The young men said to one
another): "And when you withdraw from them, and that which they
worship, except Allah, then seek refuge in the Cave; your Lord will
open a way for you from His Mercy and will make easy for you your
affair (i.e. will give you what you will need of provision, dwelling)." And
you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from
their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while
they lay in the midst of the Cave. That is (one) of the Ayat (proofs,
evidences, signs) of Allah. He whom Allah guides, he is the rightly
guided,' but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Wali
(guiding friend) to lead him (to the Right Path). And you would have
thought them awake, whereas they were asleep. And We turned them
on their right and on their left sides, and their dog stretching forth his
two forelegs at the entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the
entrance of the Cave (as a guard at the gate)]. Had you looked at them,
you would certainly have turned back from them in flight, and would
certainly have been filled with awe of them. Likewise, We awakened
them (from their long deep sleep) that they might question one
another. A speaker from among them said: "How long have you stayed
(here)?" They said: "We have stayed (perhaps) a day or part of a day."
They said: "Your Lord (Alone) knows best how long you have stayed
(here). So send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town,
and let him find out which is the good lawful food, and bring some of
that to you. And let him be careful and let no man know of you. "For, if
they come to know of you, they will stone you (to death or abuse and
harm you) or turn you back to their religion; and in that case you will
never be successful." And thus We made their case known (to the
people), that they might know that the Promise of Allah is true, and
that there can be no doubt about the Hour. (Remember) when they
(the people of the city) disputed among themselves about their case,
they said: "Construct a building over them,. their Lord knows best
about them,." (then) those who won their point said (most probably
the disbelievers): "We verily shall build a place of worship over them."
(Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them;
and (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth, guessing at
the unseen; (yet others) say they were seven, and the dog being the
eighth. Say (0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "My Lord knows best
their number; none knows them but a few." So debate not (about their
number) except with the clear proof (which We have revealed to you).
And consult not any of them (people of the Scripture -Jews and
Christians) about (the affair on the people of the Cave. And never say
of anything, "I shall do such and such thing tomorrow." Except (with
the saying), "if Allah will!" And remember your Lord when you forget
and say: "It may be that my Lord guides me unto a nearer way of truth
than this." And they stayed in their Cave three hundred (solar) years,
adding nine (for lunar years). Say: "Allah knows best how long they
stayed. With Him is (the knowledge on the Unseen of the heavens and
the earth. How clearly He sees, and hears (everything)! They have no
Wali (Helper, Disposer of affairs, Protector) other than Him, and He
makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule."(Al-Kahf, 9-26)
The reason behind the revelation of these verses and those relating the story
of Dhul-Qarnain was cited by Muhammad Ibn Ishaq in his biography of the
Prophet: that the people of Quraish sent to the Jews asking them for things to
test the Prophet (Peace be upon him) with. The Jews said: ask him about a
group of people who disappeared in the past and none has any knowledge about
them; about a man who traveled through the land; and about Ar-Ruh (the
Spirit). Thereupon, Almighty Allah revealed His Statement, {And they ask you
(0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) concerning the Ruh (the Spirit);
Say: "The Ruh (the Spirit) is one of the things, the knowledge of which
is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been
given only a little"} (Al-Isra', 85)
Qarnain. Say (0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "I shall recite to
you something of his story"} (Al-Kahf, 83) and here He says: {Do you
think that the people of the Cave and "Ar-Raqim" the Inscription (the
news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among
Our Signs?}, i.e. they are not more amazing than what We have given you of
the great news, astonishing signs and gigantic wonders. However, a cave is a
hole in the mountain. Mentioned Shu' aib Al-Jiba'i: their cave was called
"Haizam". As for "Ar-Raqim", Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I
do not know what it means! Some scholars such as Ibn Jarir and others said: it is
the recordwhere their news and names are written thereafter. It was also said: it
is the name of the mountain their cave was in. However, many other things were
said pertaining to this, but the knowledge thereof rests only with Allah the
Almighty Who knows the best! Shu'aib Al-Jiba'i said: their dog was called
The fact that the Jews knew about them nullifies the claim of some
interpreters that they were after Jesus (Peace be upon him) and that they were
Christians. However, it is clear that their people were idol-worshippers. Many
interpreters and historians said that they lived during the lifetime of a king called
"Diqyanus" and that they were sons of some nobles or kings. They met on a
feast day and saw the rituals their people were performing in Norship of the
idols. At this very moment, Allah removed the veils from their hearts and they
realized hat their people were wrong-doers. Consequently, hey deserted the
religion of their people and resorted to the worship of Allah Alone. It is also laid:
that each one of them when guided by Allah to he True Religion, abandoned his
people and they coincidentally gathered in one place. Imam Muslim transmitted
in his Sahih the following Prophetic Hadith which supports that meaning: "Abu
Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (Peace be
upon him) as saying: Souls are troops collected together and those who
familiarized with each other (in the heaven from where these come) would have
affinity, with one another (in the world) and those amongst them who opposed
each other (in the Heaven) would also be divergent (in the world)." That, they
asked one another about their affair and hence, they agreed on deserting and
abandoning their people and fleeing with their true religion. Allah the Almighty
says: {We narrate unto you (0 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) their
story with truth: Truly they were young men who believed in their Lord
(Allah), and We increased them in guidance. And We made their hearts
firm and strong (with the light of Faith in Allah and bestowed upon
them patience to bear the separation )f their kith and kin and
dwellings.) when they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the
heavens and the earth, never shall we call upon any Ilah (god) other
than Him; if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity in
disbelief. "These our people have taken for worship alihah (gods) other
than Him (Allah). Why do they not bring for them a clear authority?
And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah}.
Kahf, 13-15) "Clear authority" here means obvious evidence or proof. {And who
does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah. (The young
men said to one another): "And when you withdraw from them, and
that which they worship, except Allah,} (Al-Kahf, 15, 16) i.e. when you
deserted them and their idols that they used to worship others instead of Allah
the Almighty. Our Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) said: {And
(remember) when Ibrahim (Abraham) said to his father and his people:
"Verily, I am innocent of what you worship, except Him (i.e. Allah
Alone I worship none) Who did create me; and verily He will guide me
"}. (Az-Zukhruf, 26, 27) Thus, some of these young men said: as you did desert
your people's religion, you should also desert them in body and figure so as to
be safe from the possibility that their evil may touches you, {then seek refuge
in the Cave,. your Lord will open a way for you from His Mercy and will
make easy for you your affair (i.e. will give you what you will need of
provision, dwelling)}, (Al-Kahf, 16) i.e. Allah will draw on you His cover,
protect you and reward you with the best of all rewards. Then, Allah described
the cave to which they resorted stating that its door is to the north saying: {And
you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from
their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left}, i.e. the
sun rises on the western side of their cave, then it declines to the right side
thereof. And, when it sets its rays come towards the cave from its eastern side.
Here, the wisdom is that the sun enters their cave on its rising and setting in
order to refresh the air from time to time. {While they lay in the midst of
the Cave. That is (one) of the Ayat (proofs, evidences, signs) of Allah},
i.e. their stay on this state for a very long period of time without eating and
drinking is one of the Signs of Allah and a proof of His Magnificent Ability. {He
whom Allah guides, he is the rightly guided,. but he whom He sends
astray, for him you will find no Wali (guiding friend) to lead him (to the
Right Path). And you would have thought them awake, whereas they
were asleep}, for their eyes were open in order to be kept sound. {And We
turned them on their right and on their left sides}, it was said: they used
to be turned from one side to the other once every year. However, the number
of the turnings is known only to Allah the Almighty Who knows best!
Allah the Almighty says: {And their dog stretching forth his two
forelegs at the entrance [of the Cave or in the space near to the
entrance of the Cave (as a guard at the gate)]}, i.e. their dog which
accompanied them when they abandoned their people did not enter the cave
with them, instead, it stayed at the entrance stretching forth his two forelegs
thereat. This is for it was highly disciplined and also as a sign of honor to them
because the angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog. Thus, the dog
was blessed because he was in their company. However, many tales and
narrations were invented with regard to the dog's name and color.
Scholars differed on the location of this cave. Some of them said: It is in the land
of Aylah (i.e. Jerusalem). Others said: It is in the land of Ninawa. And others
said: it is in the Sham (Syrian territories) which is more proper and Allah knows
After Allah the Almighty gave us perfect and complete description of them
and made us as seeing them, He said: {Had you looked at them, you would
certainly have turned back from them in flight, and would certainly
have been filled with awe of them}, i.e. because of the dignity and loftiness
of their appearance. The addressed her is not only Prophet Muhammad (Peace
be upon him) but also all mankind because it is a human nature to feel awe
when seeing a magnificent or dignified thing. Then, Allah the Almighty awakened
them (from their long deep sleep) after three-hundred and nine years; then a
speaker from among them said: {"How long have you stayed (here)?" They
said: "We have stayed (perhaps) a day or part of a day." They said:
"Your Lord (Alone) knows best how long you have stayed (here). So
send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the town} the coins they
had were called "Dafsus". {And let him find out which is the good lawful
food, and bring some of that to you}, i.e. to eat thereof. This is a sign of
their piety and godfearing. {And let him be careful} during entering that town
{and let no man know of you. For, if they come to know of you, they
will stone you (to death or abuse and harm you) or turn you back to
their religion; and in that case you will never be successful}, i.e. if you
turn back to their religion after you are saved by Allah the Almighty. All this
because they thought they slept a day or part of a day, and they did not imagine
to have slept for more than three-hundred years. The period in which almost
everything have changed and their generation passed away and other
generations inhabited the land. Thus, when one of them went to the town to get
the food, he feared that the people would recognize him, so he disguised.
Instead, the town and its people found him to be a stranger and feared that he
might be a spy or that he could harm them in any way. Some scholars said that
he escaped from them. But, others said: he informed them with the news and
took them to the cave to see his companions. When they approached the cave,
he entered it and told his companions all about the period they spent sleeping in
the cave and they confessed it to be the Divine Decree of Allah the Almighty. It
was said: They went on sleeping; and others said: They all fell dead.
8 On the sixties, an archeologist called Muhammad Tayseer Zabyan discovered a cave in Jordan, six miles
away from Amman, in a region called" Ar-Rajeeb" whose description goes with that which is mentioned in
the verses. The great scholar, Abu Al-A' la Al-Maududi visited it and agreed with many scholars who viewed
the same opinion. And, I myself visited it in 1986. (Majdi M. AshShahawi)
As for the people of the city, it was said that they could not see their place in
the cave. Or, they could not enter the cave because of their cowardice, or feeling
their lofty dignity. However, they (the people of the city) disputed among
themselves about their case, some of them said: {Construct a building over
them}, i.e. block the cave's gate to prevent them from getting out or anyone
from touching them with harm. But, those who won their point said: that will be
blessed because its nearness to these righteous and godly people. This was
common in the previous eras and periods prior to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him). But, Islam rejects this deed (building places of worship over the
graves of anyone even if it is a Prophet): the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:
"May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at
the graves of their Prophets." The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was warning
(Muslims) against what the previous nations used to do with the graves of their
pious people.
Allah the Almighty says: {And thus We made their case known (to the
people), that they might know that the Promise of Allah is true, and
that there can be no doubt about the Hour}, i.e. to let the people know
that resurrection is true and that there can be no doubt about the Hour if they
know that these young men slept for more than three hundred years then they
were awaken unchanged. So, He Who kept them in this state all that period, is
capable to resurrect and give life again to the dead bodies after they undergo
decomposition. Really, the believers do not doubt this in the least: {Verily, His
Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, ‘Be!’ -and
it is!}. (Ya-Sin, 82)
Then, He says: {(Some) say they were three, the dog being the
fourth among them,' and (others) say they were five, the dog being the
sixth, guessing at the unseen,' (yet others) say they were seven, and
the dog being the eighth}, as Allah cited the dispute of the people among
themselves as to their number. He cited three sayings, the first two He refuted
and the third He stated, a matter which indicates that the third is the true one.
However, Allah guided His Prophet (Peace be upon him) to the good manners to
be followed in such a case: that one should say "Allah knows best!" For this,
Allah the Almighty says: {My Lord knows best their number}.
His Statement: {None knows them but a few}, from among the
people. (So debate not (about their number) except with the clear
proof (which We have revealed to you)}, i.e. an easy debate and do
not exert yourself in such matters. {And consult not any of them (people of
the Scripture -Jews and Christians) about (the affair oj) the people of
Cave}, as He concealed their number from the very beginning of the story,
saying: {Truly they were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah)}.
(Al-Kahf, 13) So, if there was any benefit in mentioning their number, Allah the
Almighty would certainly revealed it to us from the very beginning!
Allah the Almighty says: {And never say of anything, "I shall do such
and such thing tomorrow." Except (with the saying), "if Allah will!" And
remember your Lord when you forget and say: "It may be that my Lord
guides me unto a nearer way of truth than this "}, this is a great and high
moral lesson taught by Allah the Almighty that when anyone wishes to do
something, he should say "If Allah wills", because man cannot know what is
hidden with Allah for tomorrow or for the future. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be
pleased with him) reported Allah's Prophet (Peace be upon him) as saying that
"Sulaiman lbn Dawud, the Messenger of Allah, observed: I will have an
intercourse with seventy wives during the night; all of them will give birth to a
male child who will fight in the cause of Allah. His companion or the angels said
to him: Say, "If Allah wills." But he (Sulaiman) did not say so, and he forgot it.
And none of his wives gave birth to a child, but one who gave birth to a
premature child. Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon him) said: Had he said
lnsha'Allah (if Allah so willed), he would not have failed and his desire would
have been materialized. "
Allah the Almighty says: {And remember your Lord when you forget},
for forgetting may be caused by the Devil, and remembering Allah gets the Devil
out of one's heart and thus he remembers what he has forgotten. {And say: "It
may be that my Lord guides me unto a nearer way of truth than this"},
i.e. if there were controversies and disputes about something, one should resort
to Allah Who can facilitate it and make it so easy. Then, Allah the Almighty says:
{And they stayed in their Cave three hundred (solar) years, adding
nine}, i.e. for lunar years. {Say: Allah knows best how long they stayed},
i.e. if you are asked about this and you do not know exactly the answer, you
should only attribute the matter to Allah the Almighty {With Him is (the
knowledge on the Unseen of the heavens and the earth}, i.e. He knows
the Unseen and gives knowledge thereof to none but Whom He wishes from
among His creatures; {How clearly He sees, and hears (everything)!}, i.e.
He puts everything in its proper place with His Perfect Knowledge and Justice.
Then, He says: {They have no Wali (Helper, Disposer of affairs,
Protector) other than Him, and He makes none to share in His Decision
and His Rule}, i.e. He is the only Disposer of affairs and He is the King Who
rules over everything.


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