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Java Script

What is Javascript?

Javascript is programming language created by Brendan Eich for a company called Netscape. It quickly became very popular as it allowed web developers to manipulate the browser and its contents in ways that was not possible with ordinary HTML or Cascading Style Sheets. By using Javascript in your web pages, you can gain more control of how the page looks and behaves: document elements can be inspected, form elements validated before the contents are sent, browser details checked, cookies set, dates and times can be added to the page, even simple games can be added to a web page - all with a scripting language.
The learning curve for scripting is a lot steeper than HTML and Style Sheets. But you can learn the basics, and use scripts on your own pages, without it causing you too much trouble. The scripting language covered in these pages is meant to get you started on the subject, and is not intended as an in-depth study.

Geting Started with Variables

  1. Javascript variables 
  2. A first Java Script 
  3. Mathematical Operators 
  4. IF...Statements 
  5. IF...ELSE 
  6. Comparison Operators 
  7.  Logical Operators
  8. Switch Statement 
  9. LOOPS 
  10. WHILE..LOOP 
JavaScript Array and Function
  1. Arrays
  2. Functions
  3. Functions and Arguments
JavaScript and Html Form