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Wednesday 27 May 2015

quranic verses on shirk[1]

 quranic verses on shirk[1]
 SURA 24 - AL-NOOR                                        1
Sura 24 aya 55:
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will most surely make them

vicegerent in the earth as He made their ancestors before them, and that He will establish for them their
religion, the one which He has chosen for them, and that He will change their present state of fear into
peace and security. Let them worship Me Alone and not to commit shirk with Me; and if anyone rejects
faith after this, it is they who are the transgressors.

SURA 25 - AL-FURQAN                                   2
Sura 25 aya 2:
He is the One to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, has
begotten no son and has no partner in His kingdom; He has created everything
and ordained them in due proportions.
Sura 25 aya 3:
Yet the unbelievers have taken besides Him other gods which can create nothing
but are themselves created, which can neither harm nor help even themselves,
and which have no power over life or death, or raising the dead to life.

SURA 27 - AN-NAML                                       5
Sura 27 aya 60:
Is not He (Allah), Who has created the heavens and the earth, sends down rain from the sky
and with it brings forth the beautiful gardens not better than the false gods that they
worship? It is not in your ability to cause the growth of trees for those gardens. Is there
another god besides Allah who could do that? No doubt they are a people who have
swerved from justice in ascribing equals to Him.
Sura 27 aya 61:
Just think who has made the earth a place for your residence, caused in it the rivers to flow,
set mountains upon it and placed a barrier between the two seas? Is there another god
besides Allah? Nay, most of them have no knowledge.
Sura 27 aya 63:
Just think who guides you in darkness on the land and the sea, and who sends the winds as
heralds of good news of His mercy? Is there another god besides Allah? Exalted be Allah
above what they associate with Him!
Sura 27 aya 64:
Just think who originates creation and then repeats its production, and who gives you
sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Is there another god besides Allah? Say:
"Show us your proof if you are telling the truth!"

SURA 29 - AL-ANKABOOT                             2
Sura 29 aya 65:
If they embark on a ship, and the ship gets into trouble, they call upon Allah, being
sincerely obedient to Him; but when He brings them safely to land, they start committing
shirk (giving credit for their safe arrival to others);
Sura 29 aya 66:
so that they may become ungrateful for the blessing that We have bestowed on them
and enjoy the life of this world! They will soon come to know the result of this behavior.


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