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Saturday 30 May 2015

Check for blank Textboxes with PHP

f you remember the script that we wanted to create earlier it was this:
  1. Get the text that a user entered in a textbox on a form
  2. Trim any blank spaces from the left and right of the text
  3. Check that what you have left is not a blank string
So we want to check that the textbox doesn't just contain this "". There has to be something in it, like "Bill Gates". Here's a script that does all three items on our list:

$user_text = trim("Bill Gates");
function display_error_message($user_text) {
if ($user_text == "") {
print "Blank text box detected";
else {
print "Text OK";
Try it out. When you run the script, you should find that Text OK prints. Now change this line:
$user_text = trim("Bill Gates");
to this:
$user_text = trim("");
Run your script again. This time, Blank text box detected should print out. Obviously, we're not getting the text from a textbox on a form, but just simulating the process. If you want to try out a version with all the HTML, here it is. This next script checks two textboxes on a form.


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