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Thursday 4 June 2015

History of [HRH] OHINOYI of Ebira

HRH Alhaji   Abdulrahaman Ado Ibrahim

 The only child of his mother, Alhaji Abdulrahaman Ado Ibrahim was born  on Tuesday  7th  February, 1929 at Okeneba. His mother was Hajiya Hawawu 

Validating the HTML form

The only thing left to do is to return to the validate function. After all the other four functions have been executed, the four variables will either be true or false. We only want to send the form if all four variables are true. If they are not then the user has made an error and we need to keep them on the same page. Here's the rest of the code for the validate function:

Javascript code to validate a HTML form


The final function we need is for the checkbox. You can have 1 or more checkboxes on a form. We only have 1, so checking it is fairly straightforward. If you have more than checkbox, though, you do the testing in exactly the same way as for radio buttons.
But here's the code for the checkCheckbox function:
Javascript code to test a checkbox

Dropdown Lists

The code to check the dropdown list is more or less the same as for radio buttons. Here it is:
Javascript code to check a dropdown lists

Radio Buttons

Checking radio buttons on a form is a little trickier. You have to loop through each button, testing for a value of checked, which means it was selected. Only one radio button in a group can be selected, so if you find a value of checked you can break out of the loop.
If no radio button was checked then you can return a value of false. If any one of them is checked then you can return a value of true. Here's the code for your radio button function:

Javascript function to check radio buttons

Javascript Form Validation - the email function

We'll start with the function that checks the email address text box. We'll only check if the text box has had anything typed into it. Checking for a correct email address is notoriously difficult, so we're just trying to keep things simple here.
Add the following function to your code (you won't be able to copy and paste because ours is an image - you'll learn more if you type it out for yourself):

A check email function

Using getElementById in Javascript

The document method getElementById is used to manipulate particular HTML elements on your page. As its name suggests, though, the HTML element needs an ID attached to it. As an example, take a look at this segment of a web page:

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Javascript and HTML Forms

You can use Javascript to check that form elements have been filled in correctly. If not, you can keep your users on the same page and display an error message. If everything is OK then you can submit the form. You'll see how that works now.


A HTML form

Javascript Dates and Time

The first thing you need to do is to create a new Date object:
var the_date = new Date();
Note the use of the keyword new. After a space you type the word Date (capital "D"). This is followed by a pair of round brackets. This is enough to create a new date object, which we've assign to a variable called the_date. To see what this prints out, add the following

Function Arguments in Javascript

You can pass values over to your functions. These values are called arguments, and they go between the round brackets of the function. If you have more than one value to pass over, you separated them with commas. Let's look at an example.

Javascript code using function arguments

Javascript Functions

The scripts we have at the moment are set to run as soon as the page loads in the browser. But they don't have to. A better way is to put the code inside something called a function. A function is just a separate code segment that you call into action. In fact, they don't do anything unless you do call them into action. Let's see how they work.
A function without any code looks like this:
function myFunction() {

Javascript Arrays

A normalJavascript variable like var age = 18 holds a single piece of data. An array is a way to hold more than one piece of data under the same name. There's a few ways to set up an array but the simplest looks like this:
var my_array = [10, "ten", true];

Javascript while loops

While loops (lowercase "w") are another programming tool you can add to your armoury. Here's the structure of a while loop:
while ( condition_to_test ) {
Instead of the word "for" this time type while.

Javascript Programming Loops

One programming tool common to all languages is the loop. Normally, a programme is executed from top to bottom, with each line of code getting processed in turn. If you want to go back up and not down, you can use a loop. Loops are a great way to execute lines of code again and again. There are many reasons why you want to do this. But take the following sum as an example:
var total;
total = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10;

Javascript Switch Statements

Sometimes, you'll have more than one value to check for your variables. You can do the checking with a lot of if ... else statements. Or you can use something called a switch statement. Here's an example:
var age = 17;
switch (age) {
case 17:
document.write("under 18");
case 24:

Javascript Logical Operators

Operators you will want to use with your IF Statements are the logical ones. The logical operators give you more options for your IF statements. There are only three to get the hang of:
&& Two ampersands mean AND
|| Two pipe characters mean OR
One exclamation mark/point means NOT
As an example, create the following code for a web page

Javascript Comparison Operators

They have used the double equal sign (== ). But there are other operators you can use besides the double equal sign. These are known as comparison operators. Here are some more of them. Remember, all these evaluate to either true or false.
!=    Is not equal to
>    Greater Than
<    Less Than
>=    Greater Than or equal to
<=    Less Than or equal to

Javascript IF ... ELSE

This lesson continue from the  previous one
You can also add an else part to your IF statements. This is for when you want to say what should happen if your IF Statement evaluates to false. As an example, change your code to this:
var first_name = "Benny";
if ( first_name == "Kenny" ) {
document.write("First Name is " + first_name);
else {

Javascript and IF Statements

Javascript is what's known as a sequential programming language. This means that each and every line of code is executed from top to bottom. Quite often, however, you don't want every line to execute - you'll want more control over the way your programmes work.
One way to control the flow of your code is with conditional logic. Conditional logic is all about what happens IF a condition is met or not met. For example, you may have an email text box on a form that you want your users to fill in. You don't want this text box to be empty when the user click the SUBMIT button. So you need a way to say "IF the email address is missing THEN don't send the form". You do this with IF Statement.

Mathematical Operators

You can use the mathematical operators with variables. This allows you to add up, multiply, subtract, and divide. The mathematical operators are these:
  • The plus symbol ( + ) is used for addition
  • The minus symbol ( - ) is used for subtraction
  • The asterisk symbol ( * ) is used for multiplication
  • The forward slash symbol ( / ) is used for division
  • The percentage symbol ( % ) is used for modulus calculations

Javascript Variables

In programming terminology, a variable is a storage area. You store things in variables so that you can retrieve them later. Think of variables as small boxes. You can write a number on a piece of paper then place that piece of paper in a box. Write a label on the box, such as "Mom's phone number", and you'll have a quick way to identify what kind of information you have stored in the box. One day, you might even decide to phone Mom. If so, you can

A First Javascript

Fire up whatever text editor you're comfortable with. For us, we're going to be using Notepad on a Windows machine. Add the simple HTML you see below:HTML code for a basic web page

Tuesday 2 June 2015

EFCC detains ex-Adamawa governor, Nyako

A former governor of Adamawa State, Murtala Nyako, who returned to Nigeria after nearly a year on self-imposed exile, has been detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC.
Mr. Nyako was still at the commission’s office in Abuja by 5 p.m. Monday. He was said to have surrendered himself to the commission Monday afternoon.

Monday 1 June 2015

FROM THE ARCHIVE: Buhari’s First Speech As Nigeria’s Military Head of State In December 1983

buhari military uniform

In pursuance of the primary objective of saving our great nation from total collapse, I, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari of the Nigerian army have, after due consultation amongst the services of the armed forces, been formally invested with the authority of the Head of the Federal Military Government and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Feder

Buhari warns airport officials, others, against stopping ex-Ministers from travelling

President Muhammadu Buhari says officials of past administrations including ministers are entitled to their full rights and privileges under the constitution, and must not be subjected to any undue harassment and intimidation at the airports or at other points of entry and exit.
“We have not banned anyone from travelling,” Mr. Buhari said in a statement Saturday.

PDP raises alarm over fresh plot to remove Fayose; begs Buhari to intervene

The Peoples Democratic Party has raised the alarm over what it called an illegal plot by some members of the ruling All Progressives Congress, to oust Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose.
Mr. Fayose, who has been having a running battle with the members of the State House of Assembly, had obtained a court order restricting the members from proceeding with the impeachment process.



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How to increase AdSense Revenue

There is a great deal more to making money from AdSense than just putting up a
site and putting Google AdSense ad code on those pages. In fact, successful
AdSense publishers spend several hours per week – after the site is built and the
ads are running – ensuring that they are getting the absolute most possible

Common mistakes by webmaster to Low trafic in Website and Blog

“Help! Google banned me from the AdSense program!”
This is a common cry that you will hear on AdSense related forums. Yet another
person who failed to read and adhere tothe Google AdSense program policies. It
happens every single day.Will it happen to you?
The worst mistake you can possibly make in the Google AdSense program is not

Key to success in Website Trafic

Keys To Success 

There are numerous factors that will determine your success in the Google
AdSense program. There is no luck to it. You can be the most unlucky person
in the world, and still succeed with Google AdSense. It’s all about understanding
exactly how to run your Google AdSense Empire.

Website Traffic generation

Traffic Generation - Methods To Avoid 

There are many ways to get traffic to a site. You will most likely do research to
find out about those traffic generation methods.
Methods such as article marketing, forum marketing, pay-per-click advertising,
social networking, blogging, and social bookmarking all work very well. But in the
world of Internet Marketing, there are also traffic techniques that you should
avoid, for various reasons.

How to apply for Google Adsense

 Applying For Your Adsense Account 

Once you are prepared to apply for a Google AdSense account, it’s as simple as
filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you
without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an AdSense account at:

Google Adsense

Preparing For Your Adsense Account
The hardest part of getting started with AdSense is getting Google to approve
your website. In fact, for many, it is easier to get a $100,000 bank loan than it is
to get a free Google AdSense account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.
You can’t start using Google AdSense on your pages until you are approved. This
means that you must prepare to open an account, before you apply for an