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Monday 1 June 2015

How to apply for Google Adsense

 Applying For Your Adsense Account 

Once you are prepared to apply for a Google AdSense account, it’s as simple as
filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you
without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an AdSense account at:

The first thing that the form asks for is the URL of your website. Note that even if
you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one. So, list the URL of the site
that you have set up for the purpose of being approved for Google AdSense, and
enter the URL like this:
You do not have to include the http:// part of the URL, and don’t include any
subpages of the URL, such as Google wants
to see the main page of the site, at the top level domain.
Next, Google wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site
supports multiple languages, this is fine, but this isn’t what Google wants to
know. They want to know the primary language of the site – this would be the
language that you used to write the pages, such as English.
The next question on the form throws a lot ofpeople into a tail spin. It asks if you
are setting up an individual or business account.
Here is a way to simplify this question: If you do not have an office or business
that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter
what your future plans are. Next, select the country that you live in.
The following part of the form asks for your information: name, street address,
city, and state. It is important to note that when Google pays you, the check will
be made out to the name that you put here, and sent to the address that you put
here. So, use the information that you need to use here in order to receive the
check, and to cash or deposit the check.
After your name and address, Google wants your telephone number. They
probably won’t call you, but sometimes they will, if there is a problem or a
question. Give a good phone number where you can be reached. You do not have
to provide a fax number.
Here, you can also choose to receive Google’s newsletter – or not. Choosing not to
receive the newsletter will not have any affect on whether or not you are
approved. Following this, there are five check boxes,all of which must be checked, before
you can submit the application.
By checking these boxes, you are saying that you will not click on the ads on your
pages, that you will not encourage visitors to click on your ads (incentives), that
you are able to receive checks that are made out to you, that you will not place ads
on pornographic sites, and that you have read the AdSense program policies.
Finally, you submit the form, and prepare to wait. Your site will be checked by a
live human being. Approval is manual, not automated, and it can take up to three
business days (72 hours) before you hearfrom a Google representative. That
contact usually comes via email.
- Wait, what is this “Product selection”?
This appears on some application forms and seems confusing to many -- choose
both: AdSense for Content and AdSense for Search. This means that you can run
both, but don’t have to run both.
You can have Google ads appear on yourpages (AdSense for Content) and you
can also include a Google search box on your pages (AdSense for Search), and
when people use those search boxes, and click on sponsored ads in the results,
you get paid for those clicks as well.

I Have My Account – Now What?

Now that you’ve been approved for a Google Account, by building a site that
Google would easily approve, and you’ve selected a high paying topic for your
site, you are ready to get to work and build your first profitable AdSense website.
If you have not already done so (you shouldhave), you really need to go and read
the program policies that Google has set,as well as their Webmaster Guidelines.
This will help you to build a better site, and to avoid issues that can and willget
you banned from the Google AdSense program.
Your site should be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of
between 2 and 3% is great. This means that your keyword should be used
approximately 2 to 3% of the time in your content. So, for a page that has 600
words of content, the keyword would appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2%
or 600 x 3%).
There is more to it than targeting keywords. The content must be accurate. It
must be readable and understandable by visitors – and most importantly:
“It Must Be Unique!”
You should use all of the search engine optimization techniques as possible when
building your site. Not only will this attract the right ads, but it will also help your
site to move up in the search results, for the purpose of driving traffic to your site.
You want your site to look nice, to be informative, and to load fast. You want it to
attract the right ads. You do not want anything on your pages that will irritate
your visitor, such as blinking, blinding text or music.
Make it a site that youwould want to visit, and then ask an uninterested party,
such as your neighbor (not your best friend or your mother) if it is a site that they
would want to visit, if they were interested in the topic.
Now, you are ready to place the AdSense javascript code on your pages. Log in to
your AdSense account. Click on the AdSense Set up tab at the top of the page.
First, click on Channels, and set up a Channel for the topic of your site. This will
come in handy later on, when you are analyzing which of your sites is pulling in
the most money.
Next, click on palettes, and create a color palette that matches your site well. You
want your Google ads to blend into your site. If they stand out like a sore thumb,they will get fewer clicks, simply because people really do try to avoid
You want the ads to look like content on your site. Once you’ve set up a palette
that matches your site, click on products. Choose AdSense for content to create
your ad units.
Here, you can choose ads that are enclosed in a box, or ads that are more free
standing, but still just text links. It is a good idea to choose the link unit to add
above or below your navigational links, and you can design your site navigation
links to look just like the Google link units. You can use the ad units (boxed in) on other sections of your site. Those who have
been in the Google AdSense game for a while have done years worth of testing on
the topic of ad unit placement. Ideally, you will use ‘text ads only’ as your setting. Note that Google has limits as
to how many Google ads can be used on your page, please check with the TOS.
As you can see, it is fairly easy enough setting things up, but it takes a lot more
thought and effort than that. What you must remember is that you often only
make a few cents when someone clicks an ad. Each click can pay as little as one
cent, but I have seen amounts up to three dollars.
The most successful AdSense publishers are targeting keywords that pay the most
amount of money. These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to find out
what the high paying keywords are. These tools include keyword research tools,
such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.
They spend a great deal of time researching those keywords, finding out what the
top keywords are, in terms of number of people searching for them, and what
word combinations are being used. These are words and phrases that they will
target in the content of their sites.
Next, they determine which of those top keywords topics pay the most money per
click. Those who have been in the AdSense “game” for a while are not going to
build sites that target keywords that only pay one cent per click!
These AdSense publishers use the tools that Google provides to help determine
which keywords are paying the most to the publishers. Unfortunately, you won’t
find these tools inside your Google AdSense account. No, You need a Google
AdWords account for this -
You see, Google has two programs that work together: Google AdSense and
Google AdWords. Business owners use Google AdWords to promote their
products and websites and it’s those ads that are shown on your Google AdSense
ads. The business owner pays Google for each click generated on your website,
and Google pays you for the service.
It’s free to create a Google AdWords account. Once created, You just get in there
and start using the tools that are there tosee how much bids are for the keywords
that you’ve discovered using keyword selection tools such as Word Tracker and
Keyword Elite.
By doing this, you have access to the same information that the people who are
paying for ads has, and this helps you tobuild more profitable AdSense websites.
This is a nice trick that Google won’t tell you about, and that most AdSense
publishers won’t care to share it with you. Having a Google AdWords account isthe key to finding out which keywords are going to pay you the most amount of
money per click.
Choosing the right high paying keywords, however, isn’t everything; You need
traffic – and lots of it, simply because low traffic sites will NOT make you a fulltime living. This is why most publishers have more than one website.
They find the top keywords in terms of number of searches, figure out the
keywords from that list that pay the most amount of money per click, and then
build sites, lots of sites...
A successful AdSense publisher may have sites on topics such as fishing, weight
loss, video games, making money, and manymore. When you have multiple sites,
you can make a nice living with a mid level amount of traffic to each site.
If you have hundreds of sites, like I have, you can make a living even with low
traffic. So, here is some food for thought: The more traffic you have per site, the
fewer sites you will need to earn a living from AdSense.
“You need to decide on which path to go: Quantity or Quality?”


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