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Monday 1 June 2015

Common mistakes by webmaster to Low trafic in Website and Blog

“Help! Google banned me from the AdSense program!”
This is a common cry that you will hear on AdSense related forums. Yet another
person who failed to read and adhere tothe Google AdSense program policies. It
happens every single day.Will it happen to you?
The worst mistake you can possibly make in the Google AdSense program is not

reading the rules, or not following those rules. So, if you have not already done
so, stop what you are doing, and go read the Google AdSense Program Policy, as
well as the Webmasters Guidelines thatGoogle has provided. These are found
within your Google AdSense account.
Other than breaking the rules and getting banned, there are also numerous
mistakes that people make that cause them to fail with Google AdSense. The
biggest mistake is failing to do researchbefore choosing a topic for your site.
If you’ve chosen a topic that few people are interested in, you will fail. It won’t
matter how nice or informative your site is. If people aren’t interested, they aren’t
going to search for it, and they aren’t going to visit.
Failing to blend the Google AdSense ads in with your site is another common
mistake. Learn to use the tools that Google gives you. Use the palette to make
your ads look like content on your pages.
For example, use the ad link ads above or below – or even in the middle of – your
navigational links on your page. This will get them more clicks. See below for an
example from the Adware/Spyware site: Also, use the limits that Google has set on the ad units, ad link unit, search units,
and referral units on each and every page of your site. The more you have on
there, the more clicks you will receive.
Keep in mind my suggestion onfewer ad units; the highest paying ads are
always shown, and if you have fewer ad blocks, it will make you more money per
click. Your site’s design and layout will ultimately decide what’s best – you need
to test it to make sure.
Another common mistake that people make is assuming that they can hurry up
and get rich from Google AdSense sites and throwing together sites in two
minutes. While you do want an empire of sites, those sites must be valuable to the
They must be worth visiting. In fact, even if your purpose is to earn income from
Google AdSense, AdSense rules specifically state that you are not to build sites
with the specific purpose of running AdSense ads.
Tweaking and tuning is vital to your success. Let’s say that you’ve done the
research, chosen a well searched for, high paying niche, and built a fabulous site.
You’ve placed AdSense code on the site, and you are getting a good amount of
traffic to that site, but your ads aren’t being clicked on. Something is wrong
somewhere and it is your job as an AdSense publisher to find the problem and fix
Then there are those that do have AdSense success, and act too quickly on it. One
month, they become a member of the ‘UPS Club,’ which is the AdSense
publishers term for people that make so much money from AdSense that their
checks are literally delivered via UPS, not postal mail.
So, you become a member of the UPS club, and you quit your day job.
That’s a huge mistake. First, Google could change their rules at the drop of a hat,
and your AdSense revenue could fall dramatically. Many things can go wrong.
That doesn’t mean that AdSense can’t replace your income, it can if you do it
right, but because things can change so fast, it is wise to have a years worth of
salary equal to what you earn from your traditional job, in the bank, before you
quit that job and depend on AdSense.
If you do this, and Google makes changes that have a negative impact on your
income, you will still be okay financially until you can make changes to your sites
that will get the AdSense income flowing again.


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