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Tuesday 19 May 2015

Verses from the Holy Qur'an that proove Jesus not the Son of God

Verses from the Qur’an and Bible that prove Jesus noT to be the son of God!!!
O People of the Book! Do not transgress the limits of your religion. Speak nothing but the Truth about Allah. The
Messiah, Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) was no more than a Rasool of Allah and His Word "Be" which He
bestowed on Maryam and a Spirit from Him which took the shape of a child in her womb. So believe in Allah and His
Rasools and do not say: "Trinity"." Stop saying that, it is better for you. Allah is only One Deity. He is far above from the
need of having a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the Earth. Allah Alone is sufficient for protection.
SURA 10 – YUNUS..VERSES = 68 - 70
68.. They (Jews and Christians) say: "Allah has begotten a son!" Glory be to Him! He is self-sufficient! His is all that is in the
Heavens and in the Earth! Have you any proof for what you say? Would you ascribe to Allah something about which you
have no knowledge?

69..O Prophet, tell them: "Those who ascribe false things to Allah will never prosper."

70.. Well, they may have a little enjoyment in this world, but eventually they have to return to Us and then We will make
them taste the severest punishment for their unbelief.

SURA 5 – AL-MAIDA..VERSES = 116 - 118
116..After reminding him of these favors, Allah will say: "O Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Marry), Did you ever say to the people,
"worship me and my mother as gods beside Allah?" He will answer: "Glory to You! How could I say what I had no right to
say? If I had ever said so, you would have certainly known it. You know what is in my heart, but I know not what is in
Yours; for You have full knowledge of all the unseen.

117..I never said anything other than what You commanded me to say, that is to worship Allah, Who is my Rabb and your
Rabb. I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them; but when You called me off, You were the Watcher
over them and You are a Witness to everything.

118..If You punish them, they surely are Your servants; and if You forgive them, You are Mighty, Wise."
Say: He is Allah the One and Only;

Allah is the Self-Sufficient (independent of all, while all are dependent on Him);

He begets not, nor is He begotten;

And there is none comparable to Him


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